Types reference
Ariadne uses type annotations in its codebase.
Many parts of its API share or rely on common types, importable from ariadne.types
def get_context_value(request):
Context value that should be passed to [resolvers] through the info.context
. Can be of any type.
If value is callable, it will be called with single argument:
- representation of HTTP request specific to the web stack used by your API.
Return value will then be used as final context
passed to resolvers.
def format_error(error, debug):
Callabe used to format errors into JSON-serializable form.
Should return a Python dict
Required arguments
Instance of graphql.error.GraphQLError
to be formatted.
Boolean controlling if debug information should be included in formatted data.
(success, response)
A tuple of two items:
- web server should use status code200
for response if this value isTrue
if it wasn't.response
- response data that should be JSON-encoded and sent to client.
def resolver(obj, info[, **kwargs]):
class Resolver:
def __call__(self, obj, info[, **kwargs]):
lambda obj, info[, **kwargs]:
A callable that query executor runs to resolve a specific field's value.
from resolver for field declared as non-nullable (eg.:field: Int!
) will result inTypeError
being raised by the query executor.
Required arguments
Object from which the value should be resolved. Can be None
for root resolvers (resolvers for Query
, Mutation
and Subscription
fields) in server without set RootValue
Instance of the graphql.type.GraphQLResolveInfo
. Is specific to resolved field and query.
Has context
attribute that contains ContextValue
specific to the server implementation.
If resolver's GraphQL field accepts any arguments, those arguments values will be passed to the field as kwargs:
type Query {
sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int!
def resolve_users(obj, info, *, a=0, b=0):
return a + b
If argument is declared required (eg.: a: Int!
), default value is not required because value presence will be asserted by Query executor before resolver is called:
def resolve_users(obj, info, *, a, b=0):
return a + b # a is guaranteed to have a value
def get_root_value(context, document):
The value that should be passed to the root-level resolvers as their obj
. Can be of any type.
If value is callable, it will be called with two arguments:
- containing currentcontext_value
that was result of parsing current GraphQL query.
Return value will then be used as obj
passed to root resolvers.
class SchemaBindable()
Base class for bindables.
Method called by make_executable_schema
with single argument being instance of GraphQL schema. Extending classes should override this method with custom logic that binds business mechanic to schema.
async def source(value, info[, **kwargs])
Asynchronous generator that subscription field uses as data source for its resolver.
Required arguments
Root value set on the server.
Instance of the graphql.type.GraphQLResolveInfo
. Is specific to resolved field and query.
Has context
attribute that contains ContextValue
specific to the server implementation.
If subscriptions's GraphQL field accepts any arguments, those arguments values will be passed to the field as kwargs:
type Subscription {
alerts(level: Int, age: Int): Int!
async def alerts_source(obj, info, *, level=0, age=0):
yield from alerts.subscribe(level, age)
If argument is declared required (eg.: age: Int!
), default value is not required because value presence will be asserted by Query executor before subscriber is called:
async def alerts_source(obj, info, *, level=0, age):
yield from alerts.subscribe(level, age)
(success, response)
A tuple of two items:
- web server should use status code200
for response if this value isTrue
if it wasn't.response
- asynchronous generator for response data that should be JSON-encoded and sent to client for the duration of the connection.